Thursday, December 16, 2010


Basic information
Job that your interest : engineer
Your wanted salary : 480000 tug
Your time to be employed: 01.06.2010
Last name : Tserenbat
First name : Uugantsetseg
Sex: Female
Date of birth : 05.23.1990
Birth land : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Nationality : Mongolian
Number of register : OYU90052327
Adress: Apt #2g-61, Bayangol district,13th khoroo,
Phone : 99670744
E-mail :
Your own profession and education / please write with high school education /
Where / foreign land, inner / : Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
When : 1998-2008, 2008-2012
Which school graduate: high school #47, Information technology and
Telecommunication of MUST
Owned profession: Telecommunication engineer
Education: higher education
Degree: bachelor
Mark: 3.00
Language knowledge
Which language owned: English,
Term / by year /: English 4 years,
Understand for speak: good
Speak yourself: good
Reading: good
Write and translate: good
Computer skill: Good
About family / just write about now living with you /
Who is for you: mother
Last name: Narantsetseg. S
Date of birth: 08.15.1970
Profession: Doctor
Name of now working organization: BGD
Name of now working job: Doctor
Phone: 99225326


My name is Uugantsetseg. I am twenty years old. I am a student in third course. My School of Information and Communication Technology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology. I’m graduated school of Information Telecommunication and technology in 2012 by professional telecommunication engineer. I’m keep time and team works.
I’m problem solving skills and ability to work under pressure also I’m hardworking, expertise and positive attitude I have got two weaknesses. I’m stubborn. Also I like to be pressed many for works.
I will be working your company. I think that my qualification is very well. My qualification will be most in demand in branch of telecommunications. Especially your company will be need this professional engineer.
I will have been studying in China. I raise one’s qualification. I will have been study many new skills. I will be studying optic cable and china language. I spend my free time play basketballand swimming. I studied many skills. I studied to lead a team because I was leader of team. Also I have become keep time and hardworking .also I studied to work by team and to communicate.
I thought about it. I think f\perfect company is with pleasant around , right poling of working management always . new service in costumers. So that I think perfect company is your company and I decided to work in your company.
Today, technology is developing quickly. I’m researching to made on new technology next if for me to convenient, I’m bring at company this is engineering responsibility.
Main of telecommunication professional is telecommunicate with others. To lay your selt method is nicely communicate with others.People between communicate everyday.
I’m imagining nicely a future. I will have been working your company, many practice experience and knowledge.
I will be can a good engineer and employee.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
- My long range goal is to be high level of professional specialist by my profession. Also I will prefer responsibility and good position which can give effective result to workers
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
- My short range goal is to improve my education. It will be preparation my future success. I will collect experience working in company. I hope there will be chance to me actualize my knowledge acquired from university to my job.

3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
- I had been working on the optical network projects and these experiences would help your organization.
I think I can make my contribution improving my high level of education and my profession. Therefore, I will study by more degree of my profession besides of my job. I prefer my private and team contribution to organization. Contribution will be new idea to the electrical field.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
- I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
- I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.

6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
- I will continue my professional development by participating in conference, attending seminars and continuing my education.

7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
-My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
-Even if I am 22, and have smaller experience than others, I consider I can work in this company successfully caused I possible to input or treat to my job via new method, initiative which minded from old idea.

9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
- For, that is interesting things to my job. Because I have my own searching behavior. Therefore, I think searching work will be very enjoyable for me. Innovator and industrious team and promoter good leader will be most important to me in my job.

10. What do you know about the job?
- My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women’s often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.

11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
- it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.

12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
- I prefer to work with others. Because I think that good employee must can work by oneself in indispensable time. Also I have good skills and experience to work with team.

Monday, December 13, 2010




4. Тавигдах ерөнхий шаардлга:
• Эдийн засаг бизнесийн удирдлага, нисгэгч, маркетингийн чиглэлээр бакалавр болон түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
• Англи хэлний ярианы болон бичигийн өргөн мэдлэгтэй, бас Орос эсвэл Хятад хэлний мэдлэгтэй бол сайн
• Компьютерийн хэрэглээний программ дээр ажиллах чадвартай
• Ажил үүргийг мэргэжлийн өндөр түвшинд, шуурхай, үнэн зөв гүйцэтгэх, ажилдаа шинийг санаачлах
• Сэтгэн бодох чадвартай
• Багаар ажиллах чадвартай


6. Тавигдах ерөнхий шаардлга:

• Бизнесийн удирдлага, маркетинг чиглэлээр их дээд сургууль төгссөн
• Маркетингийн чиглэлээр 3-с доошгүй жил ажилласан байсан ажилийн туршлагатай
• Цаашид тогтвор сууршилтай ажиллах


Тавигдах ерөнхий шаардлга:

• B, C, D ангиллын үнэмлэхтэй
• Таваас дээш жил жолоо барьж байсан дадлага туршлагатай
• Цаашид тогтвор суурьшилтай ажиллах

Бүрдүүлэх материал

1. Анкет (анкетийг доорх хаягаар байгууллагын ресепшнээс авна)
2. 2 хувь цээж зураг (4x6 хэмжээтэй)
3. Их дээд, тусгай дунд сургуулийн диплом, гэрчилгээний хуулбар
4. Урьд нь ажиллаж байсан байгууллагын тодорхойлолт
5. Цагдаагийн газрын тодорхойлолт
6. Иргэний үнэмлэхний хуулбар

Хаяг: найман зовхис билдинг, 1-р давхар, Сөүлийн гудамж, Улаанбаатар хот, Монгол
Утас: 961-11-313689
Факс: 976-11-314258

материалыг 2010 оны 10сарын 10нд 17.00 цагааг дуустал хүлээн авна.

EZNIS airways



• Economist, business management, marketing, aviator matematics in bachelor’s or higher degree
• Good knowledge of both written and spoken Mongolia and English also plus in Russian and China languages
• Ability to perform computer’s programs with a high degree of quality & professionalism
• Energetic and ability to keep confidentiality
• Responsible and experience in quick to figure thinks out
• Teamwork skills



• Busines management, graduated from university in marketing
• Minimum 3 years experience in the marketing
• Ability to work out a document recolution and knowledge both of written and oral in english
• Teamwork skills, and high cultured in relation



• B, C, D driving license
• Minimum 5 years experience in drove
• To be stable work

Formative materials;

1. Application / take a reception/
2. photo (4x6)
3. A copy of diploma the university, separate high school
4. A copy of diploma, and certificate calling of university I foreign and inner
5. before reference from work to the construction
6. reference from police
7. A copy of identification card

Add: Seoul street, 1 floor Naiman Zovkhis Billding, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia
Tell: 976-11-313689
Fax: 976-11-314258

before take a material
17.00 pm of September 10th 2010, take a material .



• INFORMATION SECURITY OFFICER at the IT Operation Department

OF KHAN BANK OF MONGOLIA. We offer a competitive salary, career advancement opportunities and a chance to work in a dynamic international environment with fast growing business.


• Bachelor’s or high degree in relevant field;
• Minimum 2 years of translation exprience in English end Mongolian language;
• Ability to perform both written and oral translation in both languages with a high degree of quality & professionalism;
• Relevant exprience in the field of business, finance or banking is a plus;
• Teamwork skills;


• Bachelor’s or high degree in IT or relevant field;
• Sufficient maturity and presence to discuss security matters with senior management, internal and external audit and external visitors to the Bank in a credible manner;
• Good knowledge of both written and spoken Mongolian and English;
• Minimum 1 years of exprience in the relevant field;
• Teamwork skills;

If you possess the above skills, please send your application letter along with your Curriculum Vitae, copies of diploma and other certificates, and contact information for two references to the address below by
September 17, 2010


Seoul street -25, P.O.Box 192, Ulaanbaatar 210644, MONGOLIA
Tel: 332333
E-mail: info¬




Монгол улсын хаан банк: бид олон улсын шаарлагад нийцсэн мэргэжлийн ур чадвартай, өөрийгөө хөгжүүлэх болон тушаал ахих хүсэлтэй байгаа хүмүүст нэгэн боломжийг олгож байна.


• Бакалавр болон түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
• Англи, Монгол хэлний орчуулагчаар 2-с дээш жил ажилласан дадлага туршлагатай
• Англи хэлээр мэргэжлийн өндөр түвшинд аман болон бичигийн орчуулга хийх чадвартай
• Мөн банк бизнесийн хүрээнд болон санхүүгийн үйл ажиллагаа эрхлэн ажиллах ур чадвартай
• Ажилдаа сонирхолтой, тавьсан шаардлагыг биелүүлдэг
• Багаар ажиллах чадвартай, бүтээлч


• Мэдээлийн технологийн чиглэлээр бакалавр болон түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
• Өндөр боловсролтой, банканд ирэх санхүүгийн шалгалт мөн үйлчлүүлэгчдэд чин сэтгэлээсээ ханддаг зөв харьцаатай, төгсөх ангийн оюутан байж болно.
• Англи, Монгол хэлний ярианы болон бичигийн өндөр мэдлэгтэй
• 1-с доошгүй жил ажиллаж байсан дадлага туршлагатай
• Багаар ажиллах чадвартай, бүтээлч

Хэрвээ та дээрх шаардлагад нийцэнэ гэж үзвэл, бидэнд өөрийн тухай товч танилцуулга, өргөдөл мөн диплом болон бусад сирпитикатуудын хуулбар зэргийг доорх хаягаар явуулахаас гадна лавлаж болно.


Сөүлийн гудамж,п.о.хайрцаг192, Улаанбаатар210644, Монгол
Утас: 332333
Э-Майл: info¬

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Uugantsetseg Tserenbat
School of Telecommunication and Information technology,MUST
2g-61, 13th khoroo, Bayangol district
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,
To: "MobiCom" company

This refers to the requirement of the Bacheleor of Science Telecommunication Engineering curriculum of School of Information and Telecommunication Technology.

I have known Uugantsetseg for 3 years. During the years of our acquaintance, i have seen many abilities of her. She is able to study anything new and always tries to know anything new. I strongly recommend his for your offering position of work.
Uugantsetseg is a hardworking and loyal person. She is a creative, capable and personable, helpful and friendly young woman.She talks from one’s heart other people. She is one of my best student.

If you're looking for experienced canditate with ability to rise, Uugantsetseg is an excellent choice. She is self-educated, responsible, skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer further question about Uugantsetseg.


Senior lecturer BAYARMAA G

COVER letter

Uugantsetseg Tserenbet
Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Tel: 99670744
10th December 2010

Mobicom central office
Bayangol district
Mobicom corporation

Dear Mobicom human resources

I have heard about this position from street board, newspaper and internet. I interested this job. I have studied about Mobicom already and I like it. I think it’s fortune to develop my skills.

Because I study at IICT, MUST, I have studied optic cable, telecommunication, data link and computer’s programs.

Although the enclosed resume provides a good summary of my background and experience. I would like to arrange to meet with you to discuss my qualifications for this position.

Thank you for your time attention.
Your sincerely Uugantsetseg


1. First, I see the text
2. I see the title
3. I see the how much paragraphs
4. I read the topic
5. I think about this topic
6.I read the first paragraph
7. I more than more the text
8. If I don’t understand I need translate
9. I translate new words
10.So I will understand it
11. I read the text again
12. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
13. I find a knowledge
14. I think about learned thing from a this book
15. I read the text
16. I write abstract
17. I understand this text

CV letter

Name: Uugantsetseg Tserenbat
Address: 2g-61 13th horoo Bayangol district
Country: Ulaanbaatar
Telephone: 99670744
Cell Phone:

Date of Birth: 23th of May 1990
Place of Birth: Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Citizenship: Mongolian
Visa Status: 5046244960
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single(unmarried

I was thinking about become employer of your company. So I want I work by telecommunication engineer at your company. I studied by this career at school of information and communication technology, MUST in 2008-2012.

High School: 47th High School, graduated in 2008, UB , Mongolia
University: School of Information and Communication Technology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology

Certifications and Accreditations: EWRICA (computer and english)
Computer Skills: Good

I can write and speak in English. I know how to connect and set up optic cable, data link and ability to work well computer’s programs.

Playing basketball and listen to music. I meet friends in free rime.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In the 1970s, the Department of Defense commissioned the development of the
TCP/IP suite of protocols to provide interoperability amonsg computer.
The original Internet had four primary purposes:
_ To provide electronic mail service to the users
_ To support file transfer between hosts
_ To permit users to log on remote computers
_ To provide users with access to information databases
TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that coordinate to support an Internet, which is
a collection of network segments
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP is a connection-oriented guaranteed-delivery protocol that interoperates with
IP to deliver packets across a network. The transmitting and sending ends of the
circuit exchange setup packets to establish a connection before information packets
begin to flow. TCP/IP is independent of the physical medium.
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Error correction delays packet flow. To a data application, delay is either invisible
or appears as a longer response time, which may be annoying but does not affect
integrity. Voice and interactive video are less tolerant of delays. Too much delay
results in users talking over each other, making it difficult to communicate.
Internet Protocol (IP)
Routers at IP nodes usually have multiple paths for delivering packets. When a
packet arrives, a router reads the destination address, consults its internal routing
table to determine the appropriate route, and forwards the datagram over the
physical network to the destination. Routing tables are either static or dynamic.

Translation methods

1. at first ,I read a title
2. next, I translate the title
3. I read a text
4. I find the new words
5. I write the new words
6. I translate the new words
7. I translate out and out of the clause
8. I draft out and out of the clause
9. Next, I read a text once
10. I translate the paragraph
11. I write the paragraph
12. I translate the text
13. I draft the text
14. I read a text again
15. I write the text of the translation



In the 1970s, the Department of Defense commissioned the development of the
TCP/IP suite of protocols to provide interoperability among computers. The protocols
emerged from research that spanned three decades. ARPANET, as it was
called in its early days, was a loosely confederated collection of networks operated
by colleges, universities, and defense-related companies and agencies.
In late 1989, the original ARPANET evolved into a network that subsequently
became the Internet. Internet is a collection of independent networks that are
interconnected to act as a coordinated unit. Commercial companies operate the
networks, but each is independent and no single body has overall control. The
IETF controls the structure of the protocols, which compensate for the unreliability
of the underlying IP network and insulate users from the need to understand
the network’s physical and addressing architecture.
The original Internet had four primary purposes:
_ To provide electronic mail service to the users
_ To support file transfer between hosts
_ To permit users to log on remote computers
_ To provide users with access to information databases
A TCP/IP Internet fits in a three-layer framework atop the physical and
datalink layers as shown in Figure 6-5, which compares TCP/IP to the OSI model.
The TCP/IP and OSI protocols do not correspond directly, and the boundaries
between layers are not identical, but they share the layered concept and have corresponding
functions. The application services layer defines the interface to the
TCP/IP network.
The primary application layer protocols are SMTP for e-mail, FTP for file
transfers, terminal emulation protocol (TELNET) to enable users to run commands
on a remote computer over the network, and HTTP to support database
access through Web browsers.
TCP/IP is a suite of protocols that coordinate to support an Internet, which is
a collection of network segments. Figure 6-6 illustrates broadly how a TCP/IP network
functions. The protocol stack runs on hosts that may be part of the same segment
or independent of each other. We assume that both hosts are connected to a
LAN, and that a router interfaces the LAN to a wide area network. A single carrier
may provide the WAN, or as the figure shows, the WANs may be separate and interconnected
with routers. Before any data can be transferred, TCP sets up a connection
with its peer at the receiving endpoint. The application, receiving an indication that
the connection is established and TCP is ready, sends a data stream across the interface.
TCP segments the data stream, appends a transport header, and hands it to IP.
The IP portion of the protocol appends a datagram header, which contains the
receiver’s IP address, and hands a packet stream to the router. The router consults its
tables, decides which route to use, and forwards the packet stream to the next router
in sequence until they reach the destination. TCP at the receiving host checks for
errors, acknowledges the packets, strips the headers, and hands the data stream to
the application. This section examines the principal protocols in more detail.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP is a connection-oriented guaranteed-delivery protocol that interoperates with
IP to deliver packets across a network. The transmitting and sending ends of the
circuit exchange setup packets to establish a connection before information packets
begin to flow. TCP/IP is independent of the physical medium. The protocol
makes use of the physical and datalink layers on the LAN. Between the LANs, the
WAN protocols handle packet transfer. TCP accepts data streams from the application
program, breaks them into datagram size, and hands them to IP for routing
across the network. TCP on the receiving end checks for errors, reassembles the
original data stream, and passes it to the application. TCP handles packet sequencing,
flow control, retransmission of errored or missing packets, and deletion of
duplicate packets. TCP can be used with a variety of packet level protocols, but it
is usually paired with IP.
TCP can support either go back-n or selective repeat packet acknowledgment.
Under go back-n, when the receiving end acknowledges packets, it sends the
sequence number of the next packet it is prepared to accept, which communicates
to the sender the number of the last correctly received packet. The sender transmits
the next packet in sequence plus all subsequent packets, whether they were
in error or not. Under selective acknowledgment, the receiver acknowledges
specific packets. The acknowledgment process provides a convenient method of
flow control known as “sliding-window.” If the receiving end has plenty of space
in its buffers, it sends a window message to the sender indicating how many
packets it is prepared to receive before it sends an acknowledgment. When the
buffer begins to overflow, it reduces the size of the window in its next acknowledgment.
In this way, the protocol keeps the sending end from overrunning its
buffer space and keeps the network operating at maximum throughput. At the
worst extreme, the receiver could acknowledge packets one at a time, which would
slow data transfer to a minimum.
The sending TCP sets a retransmit timer for each packet. This timer specifies
how long to wait for acknowledgment before assuming the packet failed to reach
the destination. When the timer expires, the sending host resends the packet
and waits twice as long as the time set in the preceding window. Each time an
acknowledgment is not received, the retransmit timer doubles. This process may
result in duplicate packets, so the receiving TCP host must be prepared to discover
and discard duplicates.
TCP delivers packets to specific ports or sockets depending on the application.
Both TCP and UDP, which is discussed next, use 16-bit values called port numbers
to identify the TOS requested by the application. Certain applications normally
use well-known ports. For example, FTP uses port 21, HTTP uses port 80, and
TELNET uses port 25. The port identification, which is contained in the TCP
header, aids the receiving application in identifying the type of data being

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Error correction delays packet flow. To a data application, delay is either invisible
or appears as a longer response time, which may be annoying but does not affect
integrity. Voice and interactive video are less tolerant of delays. Too much delay
results in users talking over each other, making it difficult to communicate.
Furthermore, errors are inconsequential to voice and video. TCP, therefore, is not
an appropriate protocol for these time-sensitive applications. Voice and video, as
well as other protocols such as SNMP, use UDP for the transport protocol. UDP is
a connectionless protocol that contains no provision for error correction, packet
sequencing, or retransmission.
A UDP datagram has considerably less overhead than TCP. The header
contains only the source and destination ports, the length of the data block, and a
checksum for verifying the header. Voice and video packets are normally quite
small. To minimize transmission time, it is desirable to keep the transport header
as short as possible.

Internet Protocol (IP)

Routers at IP nodes usually have multiple paths for delivering packets. When a
packet arrives, a router reads the destination address, consults its internal routing
table to determine the appropriate route, and forwards the datagram over the
physical network to the destination. Routing tables are either static or dynamic.
Static tables are set in the router’s software and remain until they are reconfigured.
Static tables are appropriate when the router has a limited number of
choices, but they are inflexible and unable to adapt to changing circumstances.
Routers with dynamic tables exchange messages to keep each other updated with
network changes such as circuit failures and route reconfiguration.
An IP datagram contains a header that is 20 octets or more in length plus a
data field that can be up to 65,535 octets long. The maximum length permitted by
a network is called its maximum transfer unit (MTU). For example, Ethernet has an
MTU of 1500 octets. When it is necessary to send an IP datagram across a network
with a short MTU, IP divides the datagram into fragments and reassembles it at
the destination, a process called fragmentation.
IP is an unreliable best effort protocol. Each node along the network
attempts to forward packets to the next node, but if it is unsuccessful, it is permitted
to discard the packet. Routers attempt to forward messages to the destination
over the shortest path, but there is no assurance that a packet is always
heading toward its destination, so packets can arrive out of sequence. Every
packet contains a TTL counter that has a maximum value of 255 s. Each router that
forwards a datagram decrements the TTL by one. If a router receives a packet with
an expired TTL timer, it discards the packet. This process prevents undelivered
packets from traveling the Internet forever. A protocol known as Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) reports errors and messages regarding datagram delivery
and alerts the sender when a destination is unreachable.
To clarify the way these protocols interact, assume an e-mail application
such as Microsoft Outlook originates an e-mail message and sends it to an e-mail
server across Ethernet. As shown in Figure 6-7, the application sends a data stream
to TCP, which chops it into packets, appends a TCP header, and sends it to IP for
routing. IP appends a header containing the sending and receiving addresses,
TOS, and other such information, and hands it to the Ethernet LLC. The LLC
appends a header containing, among other things, the receiving MAC address,
and arranges for transmission across the physical medium. If the sending driver
does not have the MAC address of the receiver in its cache memory, it sends an
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request, which is discussed later, to determine
it. The receiving MAC, recognizing its address, strips the Ethernet header and
passes the packet to IP, and on up to the mail server through TCP.

Monday, December 6, 2010

New words

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
independent-үл хамааралтай
interconnected-харилцан холбох
act-хийх, гүйцэтгэх
sequence-дэс дараалал
plus-давуу тал
subsequent-дараагийн, удаах
acknowledgment-хүлээн авалтын баталгаа
receiver-хүлээн авагч
convenient-цаг хүч хэмнэсэн
method of-арга барил
indicating-гэрэл дохио өгөх
throughput-нэвтрүүлэх чадамж
retransmit-дохио дамжуулал
duplicate-дахин хийх
sockets-залгуурын суурь
contained-агуулах, багтаах
integrity-бүхэл бүтэн байдал
interactive-харилцан үйлдэл
checksum-шалгах, хянах
circumstances-нөхцөл байдал
reassembles-дахих угсрах


1. Read the title carefully and try to understand it.
2. Glance over the whole text.
3. Guess what it is about generally.
4. Reading thoroughly sentence by sentence.
5. Look at the structure of the sentence.
6. Look at prefix and conjunction words in detail.
7. Identify the type for each word.
8. Read again carefully and try to guess the meaning of each unknown word.
9. Look new word up in the dictionary.
10.Try to translate and lay out the sentence.
11.Write down a draft translation.
12.Make it easy to understand and examine the wording.
13.Rearrange the draft text and produce an initial version.
14.Check the principal meaning, whether it is out of context.
15.Produce a final version out of the initial version.